Home Article Practice 821 测试

821 测试

2024-09-10 07:55  views:206  source:小白爱学习    

vinc = vict province province-wide provincial provincially provinciality provincialism vi
ctor victory victorious victoriously victorian victorian-era victorian-style late-victoria
n neo-victorian victim victimless victimize victimized victimization victimizer convince
convinced unconvinced convincing unconvincing convincingly unconvincingly convict ex-conv
ict conviction post-conviction evict eviction evicted evince vincible invincible invinci
bility vincristine form formed unformed well-formed forming formation star-formation mal
formation malformed formative formlessness forme multiform life-form waveform free-form la
ndform star-forming long-form short-form habit-forming smog-forming newly-formed half-form
ed form-fitting spongiform cuneiform cruciform piriform inform informed uninformed informa
nt informer informate information informative informational bioinformatician disinformatio
n well-informed misinform misinformed misinformation informing information-based informati
on-gathering uninformative informatics information-rich information-age bioinformatics bet
ter-informed information-sharing informed-consent best-informed informativeness informatio
n-processing information-technology ill-informed perform performance performative perform
er performing preformed outperform high-performance high-performing performance-enhancing
performance-based best-performing performance-oriented performance-related pay-for-perform
ance performativity underperforming underperformance non-performing worst-performing pre-
performance nonperformance post-performance poor-performing low-performing top-performing
formula formulate formulation formulated formulaic reformulate reformulated reformulation
formulary formula-fed format reformat formatting large-format platform cross-platform
transform transformation transformative transformer transformational transformed log-trans
formed untransformed former formerly uniform uniformed uniformity uniformly uniformitari
an nonuniform reform reformer reformed reformist reforming reformulate reformation reform
-minded counter-reformation pro-reform unreformed reformism reformatory welfare-reform he
alth-reform conform conformity conformation conformist nonconformity nonconformist confor
mance conformism non-conforming conformal deform deformed deformity deformation deformable
formidable formidably formaldehyde coliform total-coliform chloroform formalin fecal-col
iform formica-topped cribriform formic cross-informant formant prehend = prehens comprehe
nd comprehension incomprehension comprehensive comprehensible comprehensibility incomprehe
nsible incomprehensibly incomprehensibility comprehensively uncomprehending uncomprehendin
gly comprehensiveness apprehend apprehension apprehensible apprehensive apprehensively mi
sapprehend misapprehension misapprehensive misapprehensively prehensile prehension reprehe
nd reprehension reprehensive reprehensible reprehensibly reprehensibility struct structur
e structured structural structurally structuralist substructure superstructure structuring
structuralism unstructured semi-structured poststructural post-structuralist well-structu
red non-structural fine-structure microstructure microstructural macro-structure nanostruc
ture nanostructured social-structural instruct instructor instruction instructive instruct
ional instructionally self-instruction self-instructional infrastructure infrastructural c
onstruct construction constructionist constructor constructive constructivist constructive
ly constructivism construction-paper constructed-response well-constructed reconstruction
reconstructionist reconstructed reconstructive unreconstructed deconstruct deconstruction
deconstructive deconstructed deconstructionism restructure restructuring destruct destru
ctor destruction destructive destructively destructiveness destructible indestructible non
-destructive self-destruct self-destructive self-destructing self-destructiveness obstruc
t obstructed obstruction obstructionism obstructive obstructionist unobstructed od method
methodical methodology methodological methodologically methodist period periodic period
ical periodically periodicity periodontal periodontist periodontitis periodize periodizati
on long-period short-period odograph odometer exodus bar = bal = ban embarrass embarrassm
ent embarrassed unembarrassed embarrassing embarrassingly bar barrier barrier-free balanc
e balancing balanced unbalanced well-balanced off-balance unbalance counterbalance balance
r imbalance imbalanced overbalance abandon abandoned abandonment ban banner banquet broad
band barracks unbar barred no-holds-barred barricade barrel barreled embargo bartender bar
ren barrage sidebar barring sandbar barbell crowbar barroom toolbar barrette barstool cros
s,bar barmaid barrister pork-barrel barman minibar barrel-chested double-barreled barrenne
ss taskbar barkeep dis,barment bar-code T-bar four-bar barre barista bar-coded balk balky
balsa balkanization baluster balkanized bank banker banking embankment riverbank snowbank
bankroll banknote databank banked bankable interbank international mountebank nonbank bank
book non-bank banish banishment banned banal banister bannister contraband banality bannin
g banco via obviate obvious non-obvious obviousness obviously previous previously trivia
trivial nontrivial trivially triviality trivialize trivialization deviant deviate deviatio
n deviationist devious deviously deviance deviancy deviated viatic viameter viaduct voyage
voyager voyageur convoy envoy covey convey conveyor conveyer conveyance way away always a
nyway highway hallway doorway halfway driveway subway runway runaway freeway pathway unde
rway sideways railway fairway waterway walkway gateway stairway getaway roadway one-way t
wo-way script scrib scrip scrip scripting scribe scribal scriptorium script scripted subs
cript unscripted scribble scribbled scribbling scribbler scripture scriptural scripturally
scriptwriter rescript describe nondescript misdescribe descriptor described describer des
cription descriptive descriptively describable indescribable indescribably scripting redes
cription subscription-based self-described self-description prescribe prescribed prescribi
ng prescription prescription-only prescription-drug prescriptive manuscript subscribe subs
criber subscription transcribe transcribed transcriber transcript transcription transcript
ional transcriptase inscribe inscribed inscription reinscription circumscribe circumscribe
d well-circumscribed circumscription conscription conscript conscribe ascribe ascribed asc
ription ascriptive proscribe proscribed proscription postscript typescript superscript tec
hn technic technique technics technology technological technologically technologist techni
cal technically technicality technicalize technicalization technician technolatry electrot
echnics biotechnology polytechnic pyrotechnic pyrotechnics zymotechnics nanotechnology hig
h-technology technocrat technocratic techno technicolor non-technical technology-based te
chnology-driven technology-related technologic biotechnological technophile technetium tec
hnophobe technocracy technology-oriented vocational-technical press presser pressed press
man cold-pressed hot-pressed hard-pressed pressure high-pressure low-pressure blood-pressu
re pressure-treated overpressure acupressure pressured pressurize pressurized pressurizati
on pressure-sensitive bench-press pressing letterpress pressroom time-pressed pressure-coo
ker pressure-packed impress impressed impressive impression impressional impressionism pos
t-impressionist impressionistic impressionable unimpressed impressionist impressively unim
pressive misimpression impressive-looking impressment express expressive expression expres
sionism expressionist self-expression self-expressive inexpressive expressivity expressive
ly expressible expressly expressed expressionless expressionlessly expressway expressivene
ss inexpressible inexpressibly unexpressed expressionistic overexpression depress depressi
ve depressing depressingly depressed depressor depressurize manic-depressive depressant an
tidepressant depression-era compress compression compressive compressor compressible incom
pressible compressibility compressed compressed-air uncompressed decompress decompression
oppress oppressed oppression oppressive oppressiveness oppressively oppressor repress rep
ressed long-repressed repression repressive irrepressible irrepressibly suppress suppressi
on suppressor suppressive suppressible suppressed long-suppressed suppressant espresso vas
opressin immunosuppressive immunosuppression immunosuppressant rect correct correctly cor
rectness correction corrected correctional corrective correcting corrector correctitude un
corrected correctable incorrect incorrectly direct directed directness direction directive
directing directory directional director directorate directorial co-director directress d
irectly indirect directionless self-directed misdirect indirection indirectly directorship
direct-mail undirected multidirectional rectify rectifier rectification rectitude rectili
neal rectangle rectal rector rectory erect erectile erection erective erector rectum resur
rect resurrection redirect redirection insurrection insurrectionist insurrectionary colore
ctal rectitude bidirectional director unidirectional misdirection misdirected rectus write
r-director self-direction goal-directed self-correcting directionality teacher-directed in
correctness recto non-directive state directed other-directed self-correction omnidirectio
nal direct-marketing direct-drive direct-injection producer-director direct-view direct-ac
tion endarterectomy student-directed consumer-directed direct-to-video nephrectomy direct-
response direct-sales anorectal

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