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Voyagers 1-Page 280-282

2023-09-22 09:58  views:972  source:我就是那    

Page 280
On September 12th, 2000, the
Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnakis withdrew from the Emerald Covenant
and entered alliance with the newly formed Annu-Elohim-Drakonian
United Resistance (“Resistance" to the Emerald Covenant). On
September 12th, 2000, the United Resistance issued an edict of war
against the Angelic Human lineage of Earth and the Guardian Angelic
Nations, if the Guardians refused to immediately withdraw their support
of Earth humanity and leave Earth territories to the Fallen Angelic pole
shift dominion agenda. The Density-5 Eieyani Master Council and
Founders Races refused to withdraw their support of earth humans, and
since September 12th, 2000 the IAFW, GA and the many other Guardian
Angelic Races of the Emerald Covenant were placed on a state of “Red
This ancient final conflict drama between Guardian Angelic
Nations and Fallen Angelic Legions over the destiny of Earth and
human evolution, has been anticipated by Fallen Angelic Legions with
fervor, and by Guardian Angelic Nations with dread, since the
“Stalemate" of this confrontation that occurred in 22,326 BC. Though
peaceful solutions appeared promising, following the 1992 Sirian-
Pleiadian Agreements, the September 12th, 2000 declaration of War by
the United Resistance confirms that the “Final Round" of this ancient
confrontation will progressively move into the contemporary Earth arena.
The outcome of this drama lies squarely in humanity’s hands.
Since the failed Star Gate Opening Cycle of 22,326 BC,
Guardian Angelic nations have repeatedly attempted to awaken the
Angelic Humans of Earth so humanity could create its freedom and
prepare for the peaceful but direct intervention that would be required
when the the time of the final conflict arrived. Since 22,326 BC, and the
later fall of the Atlantian Nations in 9558 BC and subsequent Nibiruian
Fallen Angelic infiltration of Sumerian culture, human evolution has
been a continuing drama of conflict and chaos. (RE: Voyagers Volume-
2, Current Events Update Section) The remaining records of “ancient
human history" cover a period of time during which competing factions
of Fallen Angelic Legions continually attempted to “secure their
ground" within human populations, in anticipation of the 2000-2017
Star Gate Opening Cycle, when they planned to “lay their claim" on
Earth’s territories.
Page 281
Since 22,236 BC to the present day, Fallen Angelic
Legions knew they would attempt to destroy humanity through pole
shift when the final conflict arrived, and that they would spare only their
easily controlled “Chosen Ones" for digressive colonization.
Fallen Angelic Races have envisioned and promoted
“Armageddon" and “End Times" scenario since the 22,326 BC
confrontation, knowing that they intended to instigate war among
human nations on Earth as a precursor to initiating the planetary pole
shift agenda, when the time
of the FINAL CONFLICT came.
As Fallen Angelic Legions progressively guided humanity
toward their intended 2000-2017 Armageddon “End Times" scenario
since 22,326 BC, Guardian Angelic Nations continually attempted to
prepare humanity for peaceful resolution of this pending “End Times"
drama. The Guardians last major attempt of preparing humanity to serve
as the agent of healing in the 2000-2017 Final Conflict, was during the
“Christ Period." A Team of Magi Azurline Priests of Ur, who had been
incarnate as members of the Maji Priests overtaken by the Nibiruians in
the 22,326 BC confrontation, re-entered Earth incarnation. Their
purpose was to return the knowledge of the Emerald Covenant and
pending Final Conflict, and to explain the peaceful solution of
reclaiming the Angelic Human-Inner Christ heritage. Through the
Founders Sacred-Science teachings of the Inner Christ, humanity could
learn to re-activate the Angelic Human12-Strand Template, so humans
would again become capable of utilizing advanced Planetary Templar
Mechanics, which are run through the human DNA Template. If
humanity can reawaken the dormant Angelic Human DNA Template,
the human body can biologically interface with the electromagnetic
functions of Earth’s Planetary Templar star gate system, as it was
originally designed to do. In actualizing the Angelic Human potential,
humans would not only set themselves free, but could also assist
Guardian Angelic Nations in setting Earth free, by securing Earth’s
Halls of Amenti and regaining the Sun’s D-4 Sol Star Gate-4 under
Guardian Nation protection.
Page 282
Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek—“Jesus" of the Bible, was the
Magi Azurline Priest of Ur who had, like the other members of his GA
Crisis Intervention Team, incarnated through the Sirius B Council of
Azurline, to return the teachings of the Emerald Covenant and
Melchizedek Cloister Spiritual- Science DNA Template activation
training in preparation for the anticipated 2000-2017 Final Conflict.
The teachings of Jesheua-Jesus, like those of so many Magi
Azurline Priests of Ur before him, were rapidly distorted and destroyed
by human power elite organizations operating under Fallen Angelic
Legion influence. The true historical story of Jesheua-Jesus was twisted,
edited, literally re-written and used by factions of both Annu-
Elohim/Anunnaki and Drakonian Seraphim Fallen Angelic Legions, and
their human “puppets," to promote a control dogma of external Father-
God worship.
The intention behind this manipulation of truth was to bury the
real truth that Jesheua-Jesus had provided, and to literally “set
humanity up" for the “big party" that the Fallen Angelic Legions had
planned for the days of the Final Conflict.
Fallen Angelic Legions knew that if they could continue to
motivate masses of humans to pledge allegiance to external figures of
Gods and their “Divine Representatives," as they had been doing since
promotion of their Sumerian “Father-God Anu," that plenty of human
“specimens" would be available for hybridization, following the “End
Times" holocaust. All the Fallen Angelics would need to do would be to
visit Earth in the guise of their promoted “Holy Figures" as the End
Times drama unfolded; and humans, robbed of the true power of the
Inner Christ teachings and eager for “salvation," would joyfully follow
wherever the Fallen Angelics might lead. Humans that followed most
devoutly the Fallen Angelics’ “appointed Gods and saviors" would be
“rewarded" for their loyalty with “salvation" from destruction via
evacuation, when the time for creating pole shift had come. “Rescued"
humans would feel honored when assigned to “Godly Spouses," and
would feel privileged to participate in “re-colonization" hybridization
programs to “begin a new heaven on Earth."
The real “Jesus"- Jesheua, and the Ascension and Eternal Life
that he stood for do indeed exist, and so do the Heavens and the “House
of Many Mansions" that are manifested by our one Source-God.
But the Christ crucifixion story and the worship of, and
transference of personal power to, externalized personifications of
Gods, saviors and deities, was, and still is, an intentional fabrication
promoted by Fallen Angelic Legions.

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