been there.
Victor, you notice that I did not say "I've ever been there", that's always, always wrong.
Have you ever been to Shanghai?
No, I've never been there. Yes, I've been there.
Come on! everybody, casul greetings between friends.
"How do you do"? Totally wrong! We never say "how do you do" any more, ever in formal sit-
uations. That's for old movies only.
Even, "how are you doing" sounds too formal. So, for greetings between friends, we say "h-
ow ya doin"(how are you doing). Okay, go and greet your friends, bye!
Hi, Nancy, how are you doing?
He's my best friends. Your best friends basically are your closest friend or you favorite
friends, but we say "closest" instead.
Well, do you have a number of best friends? You are lucky. And you say: "He's one of my
best friends."