Home Article Practice matplotib函数


2022-03-02 18:21  views:518  source:小键人3688499    

hlines plot horizontal lines 绘制水平线
hold set the hold state 设置hold状态
imread read an imge from a file into an array 读取一个图像,从图形文件中提取数组
imsave save an array as in imge file 保存为图像文件中的数组
imshow display an imge on the axes 在坐标轴上显示图像
ioff turn interactive mode off 关闭互动模式
ion turn interactive mode on 开启互动模式
ishold return the hold status of the curren axes 返回当前坐标轴的hold状态
isinteractive return status of interactive mode 返回互动状态
legend place a legend on the current axes 为当前坐标轴放置标注
locator params control behavior of tick locators 控制轴刻度标签
loglog make a plot with log scaling on both the x and y axis 使x,y轴为log刻度
margins set ot retrieve autoscaling margins 设置或检索自动缩放功能
matshow display an array as a matrix in a new figure window 在新figure窗口显示数组矩阵
minorticks off remove minor ticks from the current plot 移除当前数轴上的次刻度
minorticks on display minor ticks on the current plot 显示房前数轴上的次刻度
over call a finction with hod(True) 调用一个函数,并且hold为(True)
pause pause for interval seconds pause的时间间隔(秒)
pcolor Create a pseudocolor plot of a 2-D array 创建一个二维阵列的伪彩色图
pcolormesh Plot a quadrulateral mesh 绘制一个四边形网格
pie Plot a pie chart 绘制一个饼图
plot Plot lines and/or markers to the Axes 绘制当前的axes
plot date Plot with data with dates 绘制数据日期
plotfile Plot the data in in a file 将图绘入文件
polar Make a polar plot 绘制极坐标图
acorr Plot the autocorrelation of x 绘制x的自相关
annotate Create an annotation: a piece of text referring to a data point/
arrow Add an arrow to the axes 为axes添加一个箭头
autoscale Autoscale the axis view to the data(toggle) 自动缩放轴试图的数据(切换)
axes Add an axes to the figure 为当前figure添加一个axes
axhline Add a horizontal line across the axis 添加一条穿越axis的水平线
axhspan Add a horizontal span (rectangle) across the axis 添加一条穿越axis的水平矩形
axis Convenience method to get or set axis properties 获取或设置轴属性的便捷办法
axvline Add a vertical line across the axes 添加一条穿越axes的垂线
axvspan Add a vertcal span(rectangle) across the axes 添加一个与axes交叉的垂直跨度(矩形)
bar Make a bar plot 做一个垂直条形图
barbs Plot a 2-D field of barbs 绘制一个倒钩的二维场(风场)
barh Make a horizontal bar plot 做一个横向条形图
box Turn the axes box on or off 打开或关闭主轴箱
boxplot Make a box and whisker plot 使一盒须图
broken barh Plot horizontal bars 绘制水平杆
cla Clear the current axes 清除当前axes
clabel Label a contour plot 为等值线图设标签
clf Clear the current figure 清除当前figure
clim Set the color limits of the current image 设置当前图像的颜色取值范围
close Close a figure window 关闭figure窗口
cohere Plot the coherence between x and y 绘制x和y之间的相关性分析
colorbar Add a colorbar to a plot 为图添加彩条标值
contour Plot contours 绘制等值线
contourf Plot contours 绘制填充等值线
csd plot cross-spectours density 绘制交叉谱密度
delaxes Remove an axes from the current figure 从目前的figure删除axes
draw Redraw the current figure 再次绘制当前的figure
errorbar Plot an errordar graph 绘制errorbar图
eventplot Plot identical parallel lines at specific positions 在特定的位置绘制相同的平行线
figimage Adds a non-resampled image to the figure 为figure添加一个非重采样图像
figlegend Place a legend in the figure 为figure放置一个标注(legend)
figtext Add text to figure 为figure添加文字
figure Creates a nwe figure 创建一个新的figure
fill Plot filled polygons 绘制填充多边形
fill between Make filled polygons between two curves 使两曲线间填充色彩
fill betweenx Make filled polygons between two horizontal curves 使两水平线间填充色彩
findobj Find artist objects 发现artist对象
gca Return the current axis instance 返回当前轴实例
gcf Return a referrnce to the current figure 返回当前figure的序号
gci Get the current colorable artist 获取当前彩条的artist
get figlabels Return a list of existing figure labels 返回当前figure的标签列表
get fignums Return a list of existing figure numbers 返回一系列figure的序号
grid(on/off) Turn the axes grids on or off 打开或关闭坐标网格
hexbin Make a hexagonal binning plot 坐一个六边形箱图
hist Plot a histogram 绘制直方图
hist2D Make a 2D histogram 使一个二维直方图

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